Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grandma's Birthday:

Photo 1: Grandma's birthday gifts.
Photo 2: Grandma & Grandpa before the gift opening ceremony.
Photo 3: The flowers sent to Grandma from Grandpa.
Photo 4: The cake Olivia made. On it, it has four candles and says "times 21.5"
Photo 5: Grandma blew out the candles before we could finish saying the first "Happy Birthday" in the Happy Birthday song.
Photo 6: Her pose that we asked her to make when we redid it again.
Photo 7: Tammy's Gift. She said, "Maybe Carl will read them."
Photo 8: Cards for the women she visit teaches.
Photo 9: Opening her candy.
Photo 10: Grandma shared her candy!
Photo 11: Grandpa's in a festive mood and is excited for the celebrations!
Photo 12: The first new shirt Grandma got.
Photo 13: The second new shirt. With an added "Kiss Blow".
Photo 14: Grandma's "I Don't Know" Pose.
Photo 15: Her "Shirley Temple" Pose.


  1. These are rad. The "Candle Blow" is awesome!

  2. I am glad it looks like Margretta had a nice birthday. Debie
